Become A Licensed Family Dog Mediator

Enter your information below to access the FREE TRAINING NOW!

Your speaker, Kim Brophey,

Imagine having a group of experts who can help you see how all the pieces work together, and ensure you have the right knowledge, vision, process, and tools in place to upgrade your career & make the difference for the dogs & families you serve!

Your Opportunity to Paradigm Shift Your Dog Pro Career.
Preview the L.E.G.S.® Applied Ethology Family Dog Mediation® Professional Course

course includes:



INSIGHTS that have so far been neglected from the pet dog industry

Unlock the insights from the scope of the natural sciences that have that have so far been totally neglected from the pet dog industry.

walk away with:

Follow along in your FREE downloadable course outline & workbook.

Enjoy the "binge-worthy" self-paced video modules filmed live at Wolf Park.

Pocket Kim's TOP TEN DOG HACKS for living & working harmoniously & practically with dogs.

Get over 30 high-quality, downloadable, printable full color handouts & posters for you to use with your clients & facilities.

course includes:


the magic of a safe & supportive community

community of peers

Access our exclusive Facebook community of students & enjoy the magic of a safe & supportive community of dog pros in training, veterinary medicine, sheltering, grooming, breeding, boarding, walking, sitting, and more!

walk away with:

Enjoy FREE bi-weekly LIVE Q & A sessions

With direct access to your instructor and fellow students

As we discuss a wide range of topics not discussed anywhere else

All recorded and available as replays in our Facebook Group

course includes:


ceu approved content

5 star rated

And though all of this 5 star rated, CEU approved content is more than enough, if you are like most of our students, the GREATEST value you will receive when you take this course and join this community is the same deep, life-changing experience that so many thousands of our students describe having as a result of their decision to become a Family Dog Mediator!

walk away with:

Get TWO additional courses - The Dog's Truth & The Dog Key Training - for FREE when you enroll!

Distinguish yourself as a Certified Family Dog Mediator upon course completion

Open up new doors of opportunity through elite licensing, leadership & public speaking platforms.

Licensed FDM's Directory Listing on our exclusive Family Dog Mediation website.

join the thousands of dog pros around the world in the course, conversation, & Kim's community transforming their lives, their careers, & the pet dog industry

Kim Brophey

Your Instructor

Preview what's inside our PRO course today:

1- Unlock the insights from the scope of the natural sciences that have so far been totally neglected from the pet dog industry

2- Follow along in your FREE downloadable course outline & workbook

3- Enjoy the "binge-worthy" self-paced video modules filmed live at Wolf Park

4- Pocket Kim's TOP TEN DOG HACKS for living and working harmoniously & practically with dogs

5- Get over 30 high-quality, downloadable, printable full color handouts & posters for you to use with your clients & facilities

6- Access our exclusive Facebook community of students & enjoy the magic of a safe & supportive community of dog pros in training, veterinary medicine, sheltering, grooming, breeding, boarding, walking, sitting, and more!

7- Enjoy FREE bi-weekly LIVE Q & A sessions with direct access to your instructor and fellow students as we discuss a wide range of topics not discussed anywhere else

8- Open up countless new doors of opportunity for your dog pro career, accessing elite licensing, leadership & public speaking platforms for your business

9- Distinguish yourself as a Certified Family Dog Mediator upon course completion

10- Get TWO additional courses - The Dog's Truth & The Dog Key Training - for FREE when you enroll!

And though all of this 5 star rated, CEU approved content is more than enough, if you are like most of our students, the GREATEST value you will receive when you take this course and join this community is the same deep, life-changing experience that so many thousands of our students describe having as a result of their decision to become a Family Dog Mediator!

Testimonials From Family Dog Mediators in our Community.

Real People + Real Results.

" The missing puzzle piece has been found!! "

"An absolutely fantastic course that EVERYONE in the dog industry should take!!! Kim is both competent in what she teaches and also incredibly good at captivating an audience when she interweaves research, science and her dog knowledge through seriousness and humor. I loved every minute of the training and look forward to being a part of this paradigm shift. Thank you Kim!"

Jessica Åkerström (Sweden)

" This course is so much more than what you would think..."

"As someone who has been following Kim Brophey for a few years, I thought that perhaps I already knew so much - this course fills in the gaps that I didn't even know existed and also explains WHY dogs are who they are in ways that I would not have considered before. It was well laid out, easy to follow and life changing for my career working with complex behavior. Incredible course!!"

Shiela Gunston (Panama)

“The best course I have completed”

"I read Kim's book and it blew me away so when I saw she was running a course I signed up as soon as I was able to. During my wait a few of my dog professional friends completed the course and confirmed it as a must do. The content is amazing and the "Hacks" just took my breath away with how easy and logical they were. I would recommend this course to any dog professional who genuinely wants to help their clients and their dogs. Thanks Kim"

Gill Gallagher (UK)